Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. I could have let this day pass by just like any other day (and almost did), but that's just the problem. People are not really aware that women (and men) everywhere are suffering daily because the baby they had waited and planned for was taken from them too soon. Some are desperately trying to conceive, and for some reason or another, are not able to. It's something that is sort of just swept under the rug.

A little over two years ago, I had a miscarriage. I was only about five or six weeks along, and had only actually known that I was pregnant for a few days, but it was still very painful. I think that one of the worst parts about it was the way some people treated us (especially the medical billing staff at the hospital). Many of the nurses and staff members were very nonchalant about it, like it happened every day so maybe I should just get over it. Others really didn't know what to say, so they would say things like "you're young, you can have another baby" or "at least you weren't that far along", which was worse than saying nothing at all. I realize that there are people our there who have suffered more than I can ever imagine, but that doesn't make my pain any less real. The experience taught me to be thankful for what I have. I was able to go on and have a healthy pregnancy, and am now blessed with a beautiful daughter. It also helped me to realize that God is in control of my life and His timing is perfect.

What I want to convey is: be aware of those around you who may be suffering. Do not discount another person's pain just because it's not something you've personally experienced. A death of a baby, no matter how premature, is life-altering.

So, on this day, think about those around you who have experienced a loss. Pray for them. Let them know that you care. Remember that you may not know what someone else is going through, so treat people with kindness.


Nichole Gaertner said...

I LOVE this blog. I'm right there with you. I have never felt so alone as when Josh and I were getting the ultra sound, and the tech just stopped talking to us. I knew then that there was no heart beat. I also knew that the baby we were anticipating was no longer growing. It was hard, and is soo hard still today. My due date is coming up and I'm dreading it. I know I have Aiden (and that's how Josh gets through it) but I still want my other baby too. Kudos chicky! :) I miss you!
Love Nichole

sanctified by truth said...

amen to that. i always felt so guilty for worrying about minor things that happened like tobys surgery or bellas kidney issues, when there are people, close friends that are praying until there are no more words to pray just that they can make it through a pregnancy without losing the baby, and then that their precious little one would make it through the night..or month.. it really makes you realize just how fearfully and wonderfully we are made!!