Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Simple Geometry

My daughter has one of those Tupperware Shape-O toys which she randomly brings to me so that I'll open it and dump all the shapes out. Her way of asking is to shake it violently while yelling something like "Uuuuuh!", which is her word for, "Do it now before I really get angry!". We've been working on 'please' and 'thank you' for months now, but I guess she's learned that her way gets the job done quicker. Sadly, it's true. But I digress...

Anyway, she has the Shape-O (I had no idea that it had such a ridiculous name until I Googled it just now) and usually she attempts to put the shapes back in by sheer force. She grabs the star shape for instance and bangs it against the pentagon hole as hard as she can in hopes that she can cause it to cooperate as easily as her parents do...ha. Today, though, I wasn't paying much attention after I had dumped the shapes out, when she came over and quietly handed it to me. I looked down and there were at least four shapes INSIDE the ball! I know I didn't put them there, and she hadn't left the room so my husband hadn't put them there. Apparently either her method of physically forcing the shapes into the ball finally worked, or she grew a couple new brain cells! Although, that theory is under investigation because she is now yelling because my purse is stuck on her arm. Not like wrapped around it, not twisted up in such a way that it is causing her to lose circulation, but just hanging off of her shoulder...

Well, I thought maybe I'd found the next baby genius...yes, she says "Uuuuuh!" in place of actual words, but is also a baby genius...haha. Let me dream.

1 comment:

Nichole Gaertner said...

RACHEL!!! I have sooo much to tell you... and I can't do it over this blog stuff! I haven't really "announced" yet. LOL! Anyway- Thank you so much for the congrats on the school thing! Now we can both be mama's w/ degrees! Yay!
Love Nichole