Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ooh, You're as Cold as Ice

I just swam 1000 yards (40 laps) this evening with one of my good friends. It was my first time in the pool since September, and I felt just a little out of shape and creaky at first. The thing about swimming is that even though it may be hard at first, I always feel so relaxed and accomplished afterwards. Especially when I find out that I can still do the butterfly. Sort of.

I've wanted to participate in a triathlon for a couple of years now, but I've never quite gotten around to actually doing one. Oh, and just so you know, I'm not talking Ironman or anything, just a sprint distance. I'm not that crazy. Yet. So, this year I've decided that it's high time I actually make the time to train and enter a triathlon. I know that I can do it, I mean, the swimming will be fairly easy, as will the biking. It's the running that I dread. I hate running. I think there is only one time in my life that I have run more than a mile at a time. I need to be able to run three miles for the race. Boo.

So far I've biked once (3 miles, with chubby baby/trailer in tow) and swam once. Or swum. Swum is not a word...is it? Anyway, my lack of excercise has a little more to do with the weather around here than my lack of discipline. Or so I say...It really has been pretty cold lately; too cold for a toddler to ride in a bike trailer anyway. Here's hoping the weather will change so that I can start running. Ugh.

And that's all I have to say about that. I'm off to watch me some Johnny Depp (Nick of Time, circa 1995? It's decent so far, but what Johnny Depp film isn't?)

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