Friday, October 17, 2008

You Know I Read in a Magazaaaaayne.... best friend just got ENGAGED! I am so happy for her! Her fiance proposed yesterday (on her birthday!), and they're planning to get married sometime this coming summer! They are also talking about moving back to her home state (which is where I also happen to reside) after they finish school! Yay!! Okay, too many exclamation marks? Yeah. I thought so too...

Wow. I can't believe it. It makes me think about the excitement of getting engaged and then planning a wedding (c'mon, picking out napkin colors is fun! I swear! I didn't want to bang my head on the nearest light post at all!)...But really. I kind of miss that time back when my husband and I had time to do things together that didn't involve dishes or diapers. And had more than 3 hours of sleep under our the last year. I guess I've just been feeling kind of old lately. I'm usually tired, which is part of the problem, but it's also the whole spontanaity thing. As in, there is none when a one-year-old is involved. Anything we do takes at least a little planning, and it has to coincide with naptime/bedtime or else we witness the wrath of our little daughter.

I know if I was given the chance I wouldn't trade in the life I have now, but it would be nice to take a nice vacation in my past. Or just any kind of vacation. Seriously. Even if it's just an hour of adult conversation...actually, I don't even care about the whole talking thing. It's overrated. Just an hour without a tiny human attatched to my leg/arm/hair/pant leg would be wonderful... this post didn't go in the direction that I expected...

Uh, moving on. Basically, I'm really happy for my best friend/brain twin. We call ourselves brain twins because our brains are honestly on the same wavelength. I can't even explain it. We think the same things at the same times more often than not. It goes way beyond coincidence. Creepy? A little. But that's how we roll. Once we were cloud gazing with some friends who wanted us to prove our ability, so they asked us to look at a certain cloud and say what we thought it looked like. I kid you not, less than five seconds later we both blurted out the same answer. Elton John. For one, what kind of a cloud looks like Elton John!? And for two, out of the kajillion objects that we each had to choose from, what are the chances we'd both choose that? I don't know.

Anyway. I know I'm a weirdy. You don't have to tell me. I've learned to live with it quite nicely.

PS--My daughter really does resemble Animal from the Muppets. She has a ridiculous amount of hair. It's about halfway down her back already (it's not actually growing on her back...just to clarify). She's also got a bit of a crazy put it nicely. Maybe she'll make a great drummer someday...

"...She's got electrice boots, a mohair suit,
You know I read it in a magazine,
Oh! B B B Bennie and the Jets..."
--Sir Elton John

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