Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Picture Time!

Okay, here's another pointless little exercise until I can find the time to post something real. Or until I can find something remotely interesting to write about. Beware, I'm going to tag you...

1. Go to the 4th folder in your computer where you store your pictures.
2. Pick the 4th picture in that folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same.

This is a picture of two of my best friends, Megan (on the left) and Megan (on the right). My husband and I lived in Seattle about a year ago. We lived there only about as long as it takes to get really, really sick, really really fat, and then expel a human being from one's body. Soooo, about ten-ish months. Anyway, Left Megan was living in Seattle going to UW (she is now residing in Argentina until September), and Right Megan came to visit us allll the way from the Land of 10,000 Lakes. We ate at a place on the Ave (in the U-District) called "Gyrocery" which was just as amazing as it sounds (there were Persian rugs and camel skins and the guy working there spoke Arabic) and ate Gyros. Well, they ate the gyros while I poked around at mine while trying not to gag (my daughter's first act of defiance-morning/all day sickness). We then proceeded on to Gasworks. It's a park, not an after-effect of the Gyros. Just in case you were wondering. Gasworks is probably on my top 20 list of favorite places. It's probably not as impressive when I tell you that I've probably only been to 20 places. Still, I love it. It's the only place I've ever run to (for about three miles) and felt good afterward because I could enjoy the lovely view. There's also an impressive fireworks display there every Fourth of July, and by impressive I mean that they played Bohemian Rhapsody. Queen and pyrotechnics. You just can't go wrong...

So, we wandered over to the wonderful land of old coal plants and took in the view of Seattle. Which also happens to be the same view that you can see in this picture. This truly was the fourth picture in the fourth folder in my computer, and I'm surprised that I got such a normal one. In most of the pictures we take, at least one of us is a.) making a weird face b.) on top of someone c.) wrapped around someone, or d.) all of the above. We're a snuggly bunch. Some people call it inappropriate. That's probably true, but I think they may just be jealous of our awesomeness.

Man, this picture makes me miss Seattle. And my Megans.

Well, there you go. Now it's your turn Leah, Jenny, Tessa, Meliss, and Nichole.

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