Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bite the Bullet

  • Audrey has been talking up a storm lately. She actually answers me when I talk to her, which greatly reduces my insanity. Okay, maybe not greatly, but it's so nice not to have a one-sided conversation. Like tonight...

Me: Hey Audrey, do you want to go potty?

Audrey: YEAH! PODDY! Audey poddy!

Me: Okay, sit down on your potty chair.

Audrey: PODDY! Poddy dit (potty sit). Mommy dit. Audey poddy!

Me: Uh...yeah.

  • She also does this new thing where she squints up her eyes and walks around saying, "Audey?? Aaaauuudeeeey??" which means, "Where's Audrey?", and then inevitably runs into the coffee table/couch/wall/cat/etc.
  • Last year I bought this little "greenhouse" tray thing so that I could grow some vegetables for our garden. It worked surprisingly well (until the freaking cat opened it up and ate most of the sprouts), so we kept it. On Sunday I planted a few different kinds of seeds in it and put it next to one of the big windows in our house. I looked in it today (Tuesday!) and some of the seeds already sprouted! Maybe I'm the only one that finds that amazing, but seriously? Two days? I didn't even use a grow light! Ha! I wasn't even sure if the seeds were good since most of them were from last year and had been stashed somewhere in the garage through the sub-freezing winter we had this year. Now I just have to make sure it's cat/Audey proof. "Dat Mommy's!" (sticks chubby hand into seed pot). Yep. Thanks.
  • On Saturday, I will be playing in the St. Hattrick's (Haha...Hat tricks...) Day hockey tournament in Wenatchee. I'm pretty sure I signed up just because of the name, because what kind of person willingly signs up to play THREE hockey games back to back? I'm sort of wondering whether it was such a good idea. I haven't skated in like two weeks, and well, haven't done anything resembling physical activity in a looong time. Unless you count raking. And surfing...the 'net...ha! HA!
  • Okay, I did go biking with Audrey (she loves her little bike trailer) about a week ago, back when I thought the weather was getting warmer. Now it's back to the 29 degree teaser. Sun, blue skies...snowflakes? Wha? But anyway, biking felt great! I was actually surprised at how in shape I felt. I haven't really been doing anything since I stopped biking last fall, well, except ice skating. Maybe I'm in better shape than I thought. It's just a little depressing because last year I didn't have to do anything and the weight just kept coming off. That's probably the only thing I miss about breastfeeding. I was down to less than my pre-pregnancy size within six months, and even less during the summer. It was glorious! Now? Not so much. It's not that I've gained a lot of weight, I just feel jiggly. I hate that.
  • Speaking of sizes, it wasn't until last summer that I found out that there is a difference in sizing between junior and women's (misses? I don't know what they're called) sizes. I mean, that sounds like a no-brainer, but I guess I thought the sizes just kept going up. Does that make sense? I knew that dress sizes were always different, but not clothes. Anyway, I found this out because my mother-in-law asked me to be the "model" for her Cabi show. Cabi is like designer clothing, but sold sort of like Pampered Chef, Tupperware, etc...what's that called? I don't know. A home show? So yeah, modeling. Not something that's ever been near a list of my aspirations, but I thought I'd give it a try. She asked me what size I wore so that the lady could bring the right clothes, and I told her size 6-8 depending on the fabric number of molecules in room weather pattern wonky size charting brand. By the way she said, "Really?" over the phone, I automatically assumed that she was implying that she thought I wore a bigger size (yep, I got that all out of one word). As it turns out, she thought just the opposite, and I was outfitted in a size FOUR! So, women's sizes make me feel good. Too bad the selection in the women's section in most stores feature, oh I don't know, cat's on sweaters?
  • I'm going to do a triathlon this summer. Technically, it's called a sprint triathlon (because I'm soooo not running like 2390 miles. Or six. Whatever), but I'm finally going to do it. I've been meaning to for awhile...but yeah. Then a baby came out of my uterus. I want to do the Danskin in Seattle, but it fills up like the day after registration opens, so that's out for this year. The one I'm doing is in Chelan, which is good because I think I can handle swimming in the lake there. It's clear, and I'm fairly certain that no giant (octopi...octopuses?) cephalopods live there. The swimming part (1/2 mile or 33 pool laps) should be cake, the biking (12 miles, I think) should be somewhat easy (especially when I'm not pulling a chubby toddler behind me), but the running (3 miles)? I don't think I've ever run three miles in row like, ever. Seriously. I HATE running. So, we'll see.
  • Is that enough? No? Okay, look! Pretty dress! This is the dress that I'm wearing for my best friend's wedding in June! I love it!

Well, I do believe that's enough random trivia for one night. Until next time...

1 comment:

Meliss said...

The story of Audrey playing hide and go seek with herself produces a great visual. Especially the end. I like hearing these stories since I'm so lame that I live too far to be around ever.