Friday, March 13, 2009

Dove, sweet dove...

Yesterday Justin and I went to Lowe's to look at various landscaping materials such as bricks, plants, bark, and that black plastic sheeting that is supposed to block out weeds (but it never does). I never thought that I would ever be someone who got excited by the Lawn and Garden section, but apparently things changed when I become an old, married, homeowner. Now it's a little bit like going into a really overpriced candy store and I sort of turn into this slack-jawed mouth breather. "Ooh, aren't those paint samples just delicious!" "Oh man, can I just a little bit of that granite counter top? Just a small piece? Pleeeeaaase?" "Drool...."

Anyway, we perused the various shades and shapes of brick edging while Audrey ran around like some sort of miniature landscaper oohing and aahing over each style of paving stone. We eventually made our way inside to browse some of the other departments. I've been trying to find a funky light fixture to replace the old ceiling fan in the dining room, but Lowe's is apparently not the place for funky. Also, Audrey wanted to rid the shelves of all light bulbs, so we started to head towards the register when it happened. I found the meaning of life in Lowe's.

So, Audrey has this scarf that my friend Megan crocheted (does anybody else notice that crocheted looks a little bit like 'crotchety'? I'm just saying) Lately, she's been obsessed with this scarf and she brings it to us every time we're getting ready to go somewhere. Naturally, she was wearing it yesterday while we were strolling around Lowe's. While we were browsing the lighting section, she had taken it off and dropped it, so I picked it up. As I handed it to her she said, "Tate too (thank you) Mommy!", and then seconds later, "I dove ooo (I love you!)". Yeah. She has never said 'I love you' before (or thank you, for that matter without being prompted). Wow. I told you. Meaning of life. In Lowe's.

I guess I won't be shipping her to Guatemala anytime soon after all.


Meliss said...

We totally get sucked into places like Lowes too...except we only have a pretend house to decorate. I'm going with it for now.
Also, I kept expecting you to say that Audrey had only ever said "You too" when you told her that you loved her before now.

sanctified by truth said...

yay!! we're still trying to get bella to say it. "bella, can you say 'i love you'?" *nods with a goofy smile*..yeah

Rach said...

Ha..."you too"...she would. I almost forgot about that!