Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Update! With Pictures!

I'm feeling a little lazy today, so I'm going to update via bullet notes. I hope you don't mind. If you do, too bad, I'm using the bullets anyway.

  • Each week I attend "Girl's Night" with various friends, and the theme this week was Rock Band. By rock band, I mean, like with actual instruments. The guitars even had strings and everything. I know that's a little old fashioned nowdays, what with that Wii those darned kids are always talking about, but anyway...we all got together and played instruments and it was really fun. My nephew, Toby, kept telling us to play "superloud!", which reminded me of some sort of Japanese cartoon. The only thing we were missing was a dirty, old garage. And a crazy drummer.
  • On Saturday I packed up my hockey gear and headed to Wenatchee for the St. Hat-Trick's Day tournament. I was a little nervous because I'm fairly new to hockey and I was placed on a team with a bunch of people I'd never met in my life. Also, when I got there, the arena was inundated with senior citizens (and other people, I don't want to be an ageist or anything) and none of them were weilding hockey sticks. Apparently there was also a home show going on in the arena. When I finally figured out where to go, I met with my team and started warming up. It was nice to already be fairly warm to begin with since I'm used to playing in sub-freezing temperatures in Moses Lake (seriously, one night is was about -7 degrees with the wind chill). It was also great to be one of six women, SIX! There are two women who play in Moses Lake, and I am one of them. To wrap this up (because I'm even boring myself)--We lost all three games, but not by more than one or two points each. My teammates were really fun and encouraging even though I had never played in an actual game before. I almost scored about four times (I know, horsehoes, hand grenades) Our captain (and woman in charge of the women's team in Wenatchee) told me a made a "FANTASTIC" forward. That was nice.

  • Audrey has been sick with some kind of phlemmy, coughy junk for over a week now, but save for one day when she had a fever, she's been pretty much the same energetic/spastic/tazmanian devil baby as usual. I decided to take her to the doctor yesterday though, because her cough was morphing into some kind of miniature smoker's cough that would wake her up at night. I'm pretty glad I took her in when I did because I found out that she has ear infections in both ears! Apparently they just started or something because she hadn't complained of an earache, or maybe she's some kind of super baby. I don't know. So, she's on antibiotics right now. I have to basically pin her to the floor and pry her mouth open to get her to take it, even though she actually does like the taste of it. Explain that one. I mean, once she tastes it, she'll take the whole dose. I guess she just has to keep with tradition and be a crabby patty about everything. Can't you just see the mischief in her eyes?
Sporting her new dress for St. Patrick's Day

  • My little greenhouse is doing amazing well! I feel like some sort of gardener or something. Let's just ignore the fact that all I did was pour some water on some jiffy pots, plant some seeds, and...uh...yep, that about sums it up. Maybe all those episodes of Gardening with Ciscoe I watched while on bedrest payed off. He's a little goofy (read: A LOT), but he knows his stuff. Well, Ciscoe or not, mah seeds are goin' ta town, yo! It's just too bad I won't ever be able to transplant them since it's still like 37 degrees!

Snap Pea, which looks a little like a four-leaf clover if you squinch up your eyes...

So, that was my weekend. I guess it was better than sitting around watching the X-Files like I usually do. I don't know though, the fourth season is pretty intense. I mean, Scully and Moulder almost kissed once! Aah! (I know. Nerd.)

And one last picture because it makes me laugh really hard. All we did was ask her to bring her coat to us so we could go to the store...two boots, one coat, a scarf and a hat later, we were ready to go.


Meliss said...

Audrey's cold makes me think Joey on Friends..."Phelgm, phelgm, phlegmphlegmphlegm."

And now I am officially tired of typing the word phlegm.

sanctified by truth said...

look, i'm chandler. could i BE wearin any more clothes!?

hey we have the old dirty garage...

Anonymous said...

I used to watch the x files religiously. I think season 6 is my favorite!

I was always sooo rooting for mulder and scully to get together! There is a really awesome episode in season 6 where they get stuck in the bermuda triangle. ahh i just love it all. its been a while since I've watched em. I think in my closet back at my mom's house I have a huge box full of taped episodes. I will always be an x-philey at heart!

sidenote-the captchua I am having ot fill-in to post this says 'pupens' how cute. haha.