Monday, June 29, 2009

Summertime and the Livin' is...Busy

Well, apparently blogging is not my forte (but really, did anyone say it was?).

Anyway. I got incredibly busy towards the middle of May (it's the end of July already! Wha!??)and things have just started slowing down. I am working at the pool yet again this year, mostly because it's convenient and I can pretty much make my own hours. Since I have decided to stay home with Audrey as much as possible until she's old enough to go to preschool/school, it works out perfectly. Plus, there's a little part inside of me that, as much as I hate to admit it, still loves that place. We've always been blessed with a core group of returning lifeguards who make it a fun place to work. Some of us have been there since the beginning (seven years!?) and have experienced things together that no 16-18 year old should ever have to go though. We'll be forever bonded in some way by those experiences, as sappy as that sounds.

So here's the part where I make a long boring list of things I've been up to because I'm too lazy to actually write about we go...

  • Toward the middle of May I was getting ready to teach the annual week-long Lifeguarding class at the pool. I was completely in charge this year, so I had to come up with a lesson plan, find other lifeguards to help teach, and supervise the lifeguards who were gaining instructor certification. It was a lot of work, but I had a ton of fun teaching.

  • I was a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding on June 13. It was an evening ceremony right near the bank of the Columbia river. We stayed in a huge condo, played volleyball with the rest of the wedding party, danced the night away, and best of all, Justin and I had a whole weekend away from Audrey. It was nice. We've only been away from her overnight three times since she was born. It was due time.

  • On Sunday, Justin and I participated in our first triathlon. It was a lot harder than I had expected, but it was totally worth it. The swim was harder than I thought it would be, especially since I'd been swimming at least 1000 yards a day leading up to the race. I ended up making pretty decent time though, and I didn't need to hail a lifeguard, which was a plus. The bike was hard mostly because there was no time to catch my breath between swimming and pedaling up the first hill. The run was the one thing that didn't surprise me. I knew it would be hard because I hate running, and it was. I felt pretty good though because I beat Justin on the swim and bike by about three minutes each. He caught up with me on the run and ended up beating me by about five minutes, but I expected that. My final time was one hour and 49 minutes, which isn't bad, but I can definately improve. The most humbling part of the whole thing was watching people finish the entire race while I was just finishing the bike ride. I'm definately considering doing it again. Maybe next time I'll actually train for more than a month...
  • Audrey is turning two in exactly a week (how is that possible??) and I've been busy planning her party. I'm planning to make a layered "Mad Hatter" cake. I've never made a layer cake in my life, let alone a fancy one, but hopefully it works out. I've been a little stressed out because we're expected about 20 people and we've never really entertained for that many at once. I know it will be fun for Audrey though.
  • We're also getting ready to go camping next month in Idaho. This will be Audrey's first camping trip and I'm getting a little nervous about her sleeping habits. I have a feeling we won't be getting much sleep that week. We're pretty excited to finally use all of the camping stuff we got for our wedding though. Now that it's been four years....

Well, my attention span is waning...until next time...

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