Monday, April 19, 2010


After all the whining about the weather in the last post, I must say, I am so thankful for the wonderful spring weather we're having now. Audrey, Joon (our new puppy), and I went for an evening walk to the park today and it was just beautiful out. It made me really yearn for summer! Hopefully it stays warm until then!

On a similar note, since it's been so nice outside lately, we've been able to pretty much finish all of the work we've been doing on our backyard. Someday maybe I'll post before and after pictures, but it's not quite finished yet. When we moved in, everything was just overgrown and full of weeds. We spent all last spring and summer tearing out stumps (by hand), pulling weeds, trimming hedges, and landscaping. This year we built a raised vegetable garden and rocked in an area along our fence to keep the weeds down. It's starting to look really nice and we're excited to start having barbecues and bonfires (or you know, little fires in our fire pit).

I'm just very happy right now. Things are going well for us. I'm just amazed more and more each day at the things God has provided for us. Especially the things we never asked for or thought of for ourselves.

I've been blessed with a new job at the Soap Lake School district as a Para Pro sub. I had originally interview for another position at the elementary school, but was turned down in favor of someone with a little more experience. At first I was pretty disappointed, but the principal actually called me and let me know that he still really wanted me to come work at the school as a sub. Honestly, this has worked out much better than if I would have gotten that other position. This way I don't have to find a daycare for Audrey right away and I'm still free to stay home with her most days. Also, if I would have gotten that position, I wouldn't have been able to help teach the lifeguarding classes this year, which is something I love. It's amazing what can happen when I actually hand everything over to God. I've decided that I'm not going to worry about where I will work or what my career will be because God already knows. He has something perfect for me. It's been nice not worrying about that.

So, I'll be subbing tomorrow for the first time, and I'm a little nervous but mostly excited. I've met most of the Para Pros already, and I really got along with all of them! I also know probably a third of the kids at the school because they used to go to the after school bible club at my church. I got about fifty hugs when I was there and it was a nice feeling to see that I made some sort of impact on those kids.

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."
--Ephesians 3:20, 21

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"She's Just Waitin' for the Summertime, When the Weather's Fine..."

Is it just me, or was the weather better in January? I don't know what the deal is, but all this cold and rain and wind is really starting to bum me out! I keep thinking, "I should totally go on a bike ride/walk/run/exercise of some kind!", and then I look outside and see the storm clouds blowing in. Which makes me want to snuggle under a blanket and eat chocolate. A lot of chocolate. I think I may have a deficiency of some sort.

I was feeling pretty good for about week while I taught a lifeguarding class. That's always a good diet and exercise plan for me because not only am I swimming a lot, I'm only able to squeeze in small, healthy snacks throughout the day. Perfect! Only, that lasts about a week and then the class is over and I'm back to eating chocolate again...

I'm just very black and white when it comes to weather. I've never been a big fan of Spring really. Unless it's Spring in Seattle. Spring in Seattle is amazing. The weather is pretty much perfect and usually the rain comes at less frequent intervals. I should have a Spring home there. I think I'm going to work on that. I mean, Spring here can be pretty amazing too, but lately it's been more like a drawn out winter. It's exciting seeing all of the new flowers and plants that start popping up, but I'm not a fan of this unpredictable weather. I pretty much like it hot or cold. Not a whole lot in between. I just want to be able to plant my garden and not fear frost and snow in the middle of April!

It's hard with Audrey too because we're stuck in the house on cold, wet days. We all just get along much better when we can get out and exercise! Maybe I just need to get her some rain boots. I don't know.

So, here's hoping that old man winter takes the next train out of town. I'm blaming him for my chocolate consumption. Maybe that Easter bunny too...