Friday, October 15, 2010

Wow...I'm back.

Okay. I had this big, long post started and then I got a little bit ADD...basically, I've been in a funk lately and I wanted to make a list (shocker, I know), of things that make me happy. I mean, why not. That's sort of my thing, is it not?

  • Fall: Crunchy leaves, apples, the smell of apple pie (not the taste), baking, the crispness of the mornings, hats, scarves, gloves, the colors, and taking pictures of Audrey in the leaves.
  • Jack Johnson at the Gorge: Oh man. Minus the uh, secondhand smoke, it was amazing.
  • Rediscovering old music: I've been re-importing all of my music since my computer crashed and lost it's been a fun trip back to my younger days.
  • Speaking of computers...we got an iMac: Oooh. Where have you been all my life, iMac?
  • Ballet: I've been doing ballet. Yep. It's amazingly difficult and fun. Leotard, tights, and all.
  • Watching Audrey do ballet: Three and four-year-olds doing ballet? Cutest thing you've ever seen. I promise.
  • Watching Volleyball: I almost don't want to admit this since I've spent a lot of time making fun of it. It's really fun to watch...I mean, I watched an undefeated college team, so maybe I'm biased. I don't know. It was fun. Spanx and all...haha.
  • My friends: They are all amazing. Each and every one in different ways. I love them.
  • New friends: I love it when I really connect with someone new. The moment when you know you just met someone who you'll be friends with for a long time to come.
  • Hip Hop: I wish some of it was a little cleaner in the lyric department, but I just can't get enough of those beats!
  • Skyping: I'm a little late on this phenomenon since we never really had a webcam until now. I love it. It's funny.
  • Swimming: I forget how good it feels until I finally do it again. Oh man. It's so relaxing.
  • Hockey: One month until the season starts.
  • Being spontaneous: It's harder now with a three-year-old, but I love the feeling when I'm able to just decide to do something and then do it on a whim.
  • Cover songs: I don't know what it is. I love a good cover. Heck, I love a bad cover.
  • The fact that Justin rides a motorcycle: He's so awesome. It makes me feel a little rebellious to ride on the back of his motorcycle...
  • Snuggling: With Justin, with my friends, with Audrey (when she'll let me)...I just love it.
  • Belting out worship songs in the car: Nothing better.
  • Being able to breathe: I haven't been able to breathe properly without coughing for over a month now...I kind of miss it.
  • Laughing out loud after reading a text: I know this sounds like a facebook 'like', but it's funny when this happens because then I kind of feel like an idiot. And that makes me laugh more.
  • Audrey's drawings: She is three and can already draw a whole person. Head, legs, arms, body, everything. Her people sort of resemble Tim Burton characters, but that just makes it better. I'm so happy that she seems to have inherited the artist gene from me:)
  • Hearing Audrey sing along to songs in the back seat. Best thing ever. She just makes up her own words.
  • And...there are many more...

1 comment:

Nichole Gaertner said...

I love this! I'm going to steal your idea and do a "likes" list as well! :)